Yearly Archive: 2006

Drunken Train Fiasco 12

Drunken Train Fiasco

Post Drunk Check List: Hangover: UnfortunatelyBones: IntactLocation: Home, thank godDignity: Warning! Major damage to the load bearing structures! I’ve been less accident prone lately. In general this is a good thing for me but...

Need Sleep 17

Need Sleep

I am not a morning person. I never have been and I probably never will be. I usually stumble out of bed looking like an extra from a zombie movie as I search for...

Dutch Reality Game Shows 10

Dutch Reality Game Shows

Holland could be considered the birth place of the reality game show (despite being one itself). Many of the reality shows now airing on TVs around the world originated from the country. Big Brother,...

Rebuilding Amsterdam 16

Rebuilding Amsterdam

Amsterdam seems to be in a state of constant renovation and re-building. Ever since I arrived in the city something, somewhere has been under going reconstruction (BlondeButBright has commented on this too). The big...