Yearly Archive: 2007

Internet Withdrawal 15

Internet Withdrawal

For the past week I have found myself with out access to the internet once again since my dealer has cut off my supply thanks to an unknown error. I’ve started to get the...

Dyslexia 14


“I’ve spotted an error on your blog.” “A spelling error? In my latest post?” “No, not really.” “In the previous post?” “No, it’s not actually in any of your posts.” “What do you mean?...

A Week of Getting Drunk in Amsterdam 15

A Week of Getting Drunk in Amsterdam

I have spent every evening of the last week sat in different bars around Amsterdam consuming various alcoholic beverages with random friends getting drunk. For some strange reason almost every possible type of social...

Human Resources 14

Human Resources

I work for a very professional company. We do very grown-up things like have meetings to discuss the schedule of other meetings. We have water coolers in each room which we often stand around...