Accidentally Dutch Blog

Happy New Year 2016 0

Happy New Year 2016

Happy New Year! It’s been a busy year with a lot of changes. I moved to the country side of Frisland and made it official by getting a Frisian passport. I committed my first...

Pakjesavond Revenge 5

Pakjesavond Revenge

Pakjesavond is always a lot of fun. It might be the evening when Sinterklaas delivers all his presents to the children of Holland but it is also an opportunity for older family members to...

Speculoos Mystery 2

The Great Speculoos Mystery: Part 3

Case File #113c It has been almost two years since the strange events that first started The Great Speculoos Mystery. It began one morning when I discovered a mysterious jar of Speculoos left on...

Alternative Zwarte Piet Suggestions 3

Alternative Zwarte Piet Suggestions

Once a year during November Sinterklaas arrives in The Netherlands and brings with him his helpers the Zwarte Pieten. The black face paint of Zwarte Piet often causes a few raised eyebrows from those...

St Maarten 2

My First St Maarten Sing-A-Long

St Maarten Sing-a-Long This year I got my first real St Maarten experience as I went door-to-door with my daughter singing songs for candy and sweets.

Frisian swan 0

Frisian Swan

Every morning I start my work day by travelling from the far away land of Friesland to my office in Amsterdam. This normally takes about two hours by train. Although it has resulted in...