Tagged: Awkward Situations
Awkward situations I’ve got myself into while living as an expat in the Netherlands.
1) Getting the words gefeliciteerd and gecondoleerd mixed up. One means congratulations. The other means condolences. You can get away with the mistake at a birthday party but not at a funeral. 2) Accidentally...
As a man with ginger hair I have had to accept that I will never be capable of having a proper sun tan. It is scientifically impossible. My light hair and pale sensitive skin...
If you spend any amount of time living in the Netherlands people will tell you that there are several very good reasons why you should learn the Dutch language. For example; they might suggest...
The other day I physically attacked a waitress. I didn’t mean for it to happen. She certainly didn’t deserve it. She had been polite, she hadn’t kept us waiting for long and she had...
“You’ve got something stuck between your teeth.” My wife informs me as we finish dinner. “Thanks,” I reply after successfully removing the offending food fragment. “Do I have anything stuck in my teeth?” She...
I’d been on the treadmill for nearly 20 minutes and was in need of a shower. Re-joining a gym had made me very happy. Not only was I already feeling the benefits of daily...