Tagged: Speculoos

Speculoos Relapse 26

Speculoos Relapse

Many of the long term readers will already know the story of my long and difficult struggle with Speculoos addiction. For a long time I was powerless against the desire and the uncontrollable need...

Speculoos Secret Stash 18

Speculoos Secret Stash

Regular readers of this blog will already know the story about my crippling speculoos addiction, how I was unable to control myself and the long, difficult struggle I went through to become a normal...

Speculaas Addiction 20

Speculoos Addiction: Follow Up

A few days ago I confessed my uncontrollable addiction for Speculoos sandwich spread (or as it is known by its street name: Speculoos Paste). It was a big step for me to go public...

Speculaas Addiction

Speculaas Addiction

Hello. My name is Stuart and I’m an addict… For a while now I’ve been trying to keep my problem a secret from everyone I know and love. I guess the reality is that...