Hail to the King – Singing With An Elvis Impersonator

Elvis Impersonator

When my parents rather cryptically started making plans for an evening out during my Christmas visit I was more then a little puzzled. No matter how many times I asked they refused to reveal their scheme. Even my sneaky attempts at tricking clues out of them met with little success. Should I be dressing up? Would we be getting there by car? Would we be eating when we get there?After a while my questions were met with a look that said they knew what I was trying to do and it was not going to work. My child like detective work had failed and I was back to guessing with what little information I had. One phrase they kept on using was, “Keep an open mind,” which is usually a scary request when you don’t know what you are about to let yourself in for. I narrowed it down to a few possibilities one of which was that my parents had enough of me being single and had set up an arranged marriage.

As the evening got closer the mystery grew. I was half expecting my parents to lead me blind folded to some theatre or festival, maybe for some kind of experimental audience participation performance. Luckily there was no blind fold but I was still just as confused when they led me into the local curry house. As I sat there I could not work out why a meal at an Indian restaurant had merited so much mystery and deception. However, all my questions were finally answered when music started to play and there was suddenly a rather strange announcement that I thought I would never hear.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis is in the curry house.”

And suddenly there he was; The King. He was standing between the tables with his quiff, dark sunglasses, leather jacket and microphone in hand. It’s not the kind of sight you usually expect to see in an Indian Restaurant or many other places for that matter. Sightings of Elvis in England are usually limited to Fish & Chip shops and Tesco. However, he started to walk around the room and shake everyone’s hand as he sang. There was no denying he was real (some people said he was an impersonator). Maybe the King had decided to swap cheese burgers for Chicken Korma.

He continued to perform a large selection of his greatest hits and occasionally got members of the audience to sing a few lines by suddenly thrusting the microphone towards them. Every time he started to walk in my direction I desperately tried to recall the lyrics of what ever he was singing in case I suddenly found the microphone (and everyone’s attention) pointed towards me. Eventually I ended up singing a few lines of Tutti Frutti and The King commented on the Elvis G.I appearance of my spiky hair. That’s not a claim many people can make, The King knows my name and likes my hair.

By the second half of the performance he had changed into his familiar white jump suit with a leopard printed on the back. Waiters had to move the tables to let the steadily growing collection of drunken people dance as Elvis himself stood on one of the chairs and did his familiar hip movements. Passers by who peered inside might have thought they were witnessing a rather bizarre restaurant riot led by Elvis due to a lack of spiciness in the Red Hot Curry.

It was the last thing I would have guessed my parents had planned but it was a very entertaining night none the less. So the next time you are having a quite meal in a restaurant don’t forget to look out for Elvis. You never know, he might be there too. Long live The King.


Stuart is an accident prone Englishman who has been living in the Netherlands since 2001. Even his move to the country was an unintentional accident, the result of replying to a cryptic job advertisement he found one day in a local British magazine. Since then he has learned to love the Dutch (so much so that he married one of them) and now calls the country home. He started the blog Invading Holland in 2006 as a place to share his strange stories of language misunderstandings, cultural confusions and his own accident prone nature.

22 Responses

  1. BlondebutBright says:

    Wow, I never would have guessed it. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  2. roxanne says:

    Roy Orbison for Valentine’s Day?

    I love little Elvis Stu. He’s just too cute. :)

  3. vallyP says:

    At least that’s one evening you won’t forget! Seems that Elvis’s tastes have turned to British eccentricity though…entertaining in Fish and Chip shops and high street curry houses – a bit of a departure from Gracelands, wouldn’t you say..;-)

  4. Tenakalaz says:

    Yes, Elvis likes your hair. be afraid stu, be very afraid!!

    Can your parents possibly book Glen Miller for Easter ?

  5. Invader_Stu says:

    We could also try to book Marilyn Monroe for New Years Eve.

  6. ChickyBabe says:

    I think we need an audio of Stu singing…

  7. Aisling says:

    Oh my God, I am totally jealous! How could your parentals NOT spill the beans?!? My gawd!!!

  8. Invader_Stu says:

    BlondebutBright – I was not able to guess it until it happened :)

    Roxanne – If you are ever in England I could tell which curry house to go to so you can meet him.

    ChickyBabe – No… trust me, you really don’t :p

    VallyP – He must know England has good curry places

  9. zoe says:

    you’re a brave man …. a very brave man indeed …. karaoke – shudder.

  10. Tess says:

    Hiya, thanks for leaving a post at Expat Blog. You’ve got an awesome blog [cool drawings!]. I read your ‘Holland vs. The Netherlands’ post: it made me grin because I was about to tell you what the difference is… :p

    I miss having a Hoegaarden and bitterballen ;)

  11. Invader_Stu says:

    Pua – Blue suede shoes was one of the first songs he sang on the night.

    Aisling – I think they enjoyed seeing me try to guess

  12. Elle says:

    I was treated to an Elvis in an Indian restaurant once and I could not stop laughing. Was this the Indian Elvis with the exceptionally small hands?

  13. tash says:

    Wooooo! i have to say, i am mucho jealous!

  14. Tamara says:

    You have cool parents Stu! That they build it up like that! That’s half the fun.
    I’ll be on the lookout for ELvis from now on (you think he’ll visit Amsterdam some time?)

    Oh and btw…guess what In-Ah got me for christmas?
    A new rice cooker…haha (it’s all your fault!)

  15. Ale says:

    You got an interesting life, can’t complain about that hehe

    Keep it up!
    (love the new design)

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