The Spiders That Took Over Holland

Spiders in Holland

I have never been someone who is easily scared by spiders. However, when I saw Arachnophobia as a young teenager in the early 90s I have to admit that I was creeped out for a few days. As a result I felt uncomfortable walking under lamp shades and I could not look at pop-corn the same way again. However, it was only a movie and the chances of a spider attack on that scale really happening seemed highly unlikely… until a few days ago.

Earlier this week I noticed a rather strange amount of spiders in the Dutch town were I live, much more then you would normally expect to see. Most of them were near some form of foliage and if there was no spider in sight there was at least a very big web that looked like it was still in use.Some of the arachnids have managed to spin webs over seemingly impossible distances from one tree to another, possibly with ambitions of catching a human. It is lucky that I do not suffer from Arachnophobia otherwise I might have started running through the streets screaming, never to return. The little eight legged freaks have spun webs every where around town. Maybe this is the start of a combined attempt to cocoon the whole of North Holland. Shelob’s little minions might already be at work in other locations around the country.

Luckily they are only European Garden Spiders (I think) and their bite is harmless unless you happen to be a fly. However, if they form an alliance (or worse, a hybrid) with the mosquitoes we are all doomed. At the very least I will likely get sued by every arachnophobia sufferer for coursing them emotional distress with this post. Sorry for any nightmares I cause with this story.


Stuart is an accident prone Englishman who has been living in the Netherlands since 2001. Even his move to the country was an unintentional accident, the result of replying to a cryptic job advertisement he found one day in a local British magazine. Since then he has learned to love the Dutch (so much so that he married one of them) and now calls the country home. He started the blog Invading Holland in 2006 as a place to share his strange stories of language misunderstandings, cultural confusions and his own accident prone nature.

27 Responses

  1. Helen says:

    UGH! I wouldn’t be able to handle it Stu! I’d definitely be leaving town! ;)

  2. vallyP says:

    I’ve been suffering from an invasion of extremely industrious web spinners in my barge, Stu…maybe they’re related to your lot, cos they seem to want to ttache all the boats in the harbour together. We have festoons of new webs every morning…just as well I’m not scared by the little blighters too as I have plenty enough work evicting them from inside too!

  3. Bonestorm says:

    Living in Australia we have to cope with the creepies and crawlies of the majorly poisonous variety. I know what you’re going through.

    I’ve only been bitten by a snake once, and never by a spider so I guess I’m reasonably lucky.

  4. BlondebutBright says:

    You’re right! I’ve noticed the same thing lately. I’ve unknowingly walked into a few webs and even felt compelled to kill two of them, although it makes me feel guilty. I wonder what’s going on with the sudden population increase.

  5. Freya says:

    I had to kill a huge one recently at a friend’s house, unfortunately I was on the phone to my Japanese manager at the time explaining why I was going to be late for work- and the blighter nearly got away whilst I dredged up the necessary Japanese for “Oh f**K that spider is massive”.

    Hate them.

  6. Invader_Stu says:

    Helen – I’d be amazed with there is anyone with even a small fear of spiders left in the town.

    VallyP – They’re attempting to cocoon the Dutch water ways to cut of escape routes. Maybe they have already started at the airport as well.

    Bonestorm – I don’t think we have many poisonous spiders in Europe. It might just be a stereotypical view of Australia but TV over here has always made it look like poisonous spiders are constantly getting into people’s homes and hiding out in the bathroom or in someoneÂ’s shoes. Now that would freak me out.

  7. vallyP says:

    Take heart all northern hemisphere dwellers. I noticed this week that there appears to be the beginning signs of an arachnid retreat. Cooler nights and shorter days are obviously the signal to our eight legged friends to turn their attention to the south! Sorry Aussies, it’s your turn now!

  8. Andrew Tingle says:

    I am ashamed to say that any spider where I can see the eyes scares me senseless – to the point where I have to ask my wife to put them outside. When I was in Australia on holiday a couple of years back I went into the garage and shut the door and there was a spider the size of my hand on the back of the door by the handle. I was in the garage for ages waiting for someone to hear me and let me out, Shiver.

  9. Matt says:

    We are currently under attach from very small flies. There is one currently trying to attach my eyebrow.

  10. bill says:

    oh man. a spider/mosquito hybrid would be crazy. bad enough that mosquitos cary the west nile virus D=

  11. zoe says:

    oh spiders …. we’ve come under an invasion of stripey, fairly small spiders chez nous – i wonder if it’s the vine out at the back that they like – but they’re everywhere.

    and as for carpet spiders – i don’t usually get so many so early on in the year, if at all, but we’ve already been attacked by at least four that we’ve seen.

    i remember when i lived alone many moons ago and returned home to find the biggest tarantula ever waiting for me in the hallway. i asked the downstairs neighbour to save me but even he flinched on seeing it and whacked it with a newspaper.

    best thing to avoid getting carpet spiders ? a cat.

  12. Invader_Stu says:

    BlondebutBright – It must be something to do with the weather change or the invasion has really started.

    Freya – That would have been funny to hear :P

    VallyP – We won! We won! Sorry Bonestorm. We won!

    Andrew Tingle – I have a friend who is the same. I had to remove a spider for him once.

    Matt – All the insects are at it. They must be working together.

    Bill – I wonder if the one’s in Europe have that because the little buggers attacked me in the night again.

  13. Invader_Stu says:

    I’m lucky there. We have a cat and no carpet. We have wooden floors instead :p

  14. nothing really matters says:

    I hate spiders and all creepy things that can walk and fly!

  15. sociolingo says:

    Enjoying your blog immensely.

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