Quote of the Lifetime – Getting Married

Getting Married

My Girlfriend:
(Down on one knee)
“Will you marry me?”
(After a full minute of hyperventilating like a girl)

I just have to hope she stops singing, “All the women who are independent. Throw your hands up at me,” before the wedding. Either way, I guess I made a good impression on that first date.


Stuart is an accident prone Englishman who has been living in the Netherlands since 2001. Even his move to the country was an unintentional accident, the result of replying to a cryptic job advertisement he found one day in a local British magazine. Since then he has learned to love the Dutch (so much so that he married one of them) and now calls the country home. He started the blog Invading Holland in 2006 as a place to share his strange stories of language misunderstandings, cultural confusions and his own accident prone nature.

45 Responses

  1. Lopa says:

    yeyyyy…. Many Congrats.

    You have an upper hand here, she will never be able to complain why she decided to marry you (as almost all married couple do when frustrated ) as you can always get back saying it was you who proposed…not me ;) :P

  2. Andrew says:

    Lots of congratulations!

  3. Zen says:

    Congratulations, enjoy the time before the wedding and the wedding itself, it all goes by very fast!

  4. IrishAngell says:

    Congratulations. does this mean she buys you the rock? What kind of dress will you wear ? :P

  5. Jules says:

    Awww, that’s so cute.

    Congratulations. When’s the wedding? What’re your kids’ names? :-D

  6. Anneke says:

    Gefeliciteerd! And congrats too, obviously!

  7. Dan Potter says:


  8. Bart says:

    It’s true then: Dutch girls are easy
    (Ducks to evade pair of solid oak klompen)

    Congratulations to the two of you. May your relationship survive the horrific ordeal of choosing the napkins, selecting a place for the wedding, deciding on the menu, deciding on which guest will seat to the right and left of your Mad Uncle Roger, etc. etc.

    I will keep my fingers crossed.

  9. amy says:


  10. Iooryz says:


  11. Gez says:

    Congratulations! You’ll have to expand more on the fatefull event though. :)

  12. Dienke says:

    Go girlfriend, go girlfriend, go girlfriend!!!!

    Congratulations!!! I hope you had a wonderfull day yesterday.

  13. Soon to be wife says:

    Thank you! :D Yes we had a great day, and more to come…!!!

  14. Just a Plane Ride Away says:

    Wow! Gefeliciteerd!!!

  15. Invader_Stu says:

    Thank you everyone for the many wishes of congratulations. As you can imagine we are very busy at the moment arranging things for the big day and we are both really looking forward to it. To answer a few of your questions:

    This wedding is going to be for real and not like the time I got married for a day: https://accidentallydutch.com/?p=356

    Our parents were the first to know. In fact they have known for a while. We’ve slowly been letting more and more people know. The wedding is not too far away which comes as a surprise to some people but we’ve known for a while ;)

    Before we decided to get married my wife-to-be’s father was always telling me that I would have to ask him for permission (he always did this with a ‘I’m trying to scare you because it’s funny’ grin) but since she asked me I still tell her that she has to ask my dad for permission. She has not agreed yet.

    Despite that fact that she asked me I will not be wearing the dress. Although there was some discussion about a kilt since I have Scottish blood from both sides of my family. I quickly said no because I’m not that Scottish and if I ware a kilt certain people would spend the whole day trying to lift it up. I’m looking at you ladies.

    Alex de Leeuw has not been involved in any of the wedding preparations yet but who knows.

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