How I Survived My First 15 Years In The Netherlands

It’s hard to believe that this year marks two big anniversaries in my life as an expat here in the Netherlands. The first being the 10 year anniversary of this very blog (that took place in March) and the second being today; the 15-year anniversary of the day I first arrived in The Netherlands… I think it is finally time to admit that I live here now.
It’s also funny to think how much of the life I now have in The Netherlands is down to a single, unintentional fluke. As most of my long-term readers will already know, I never intended to move to The Netherlands. I never even intended to move out of London. I came here purely by accident. I’ve already written about that strange story before so I won’t go into too much detail here but the short version is I applied for a job without realizing it was in another country. I didn’t find out what I had done until I was invited for the interview in Amsterdam but I went along with it anyway. I got offered the job, accepted and moved to the Netherlands. It is the best thing that ever happened to me.
It didn’t always feel like that though and as I look back over the last 15 years I think that is an important part of the story to tell, not to bring the mood down but to celebrate how struggling through something difficult can often lead to something great. Maybe this part of my story, which I have never told before, will help other expats who are finding adjusting to a new country difficult. It’s strange to think about it now but there were two very difficult periods in my new Dutch life where I actually hated living in The Netherlands. On both occasions, I almost gave up, packed my bags and returned home to England.
The first time I almost gave up was just four days after my arrival before I’d even started my new job. The nervous excitement of moving to another country had quickly given way to self-doubt and loneliness. I was staying in a hotel for the first few days and had rather naively thought it would be easy to extend my stay as needed. I had not realized it was the height of tourist season and everywhere was fully booked. I was going to be hotel-less and homeless by the end of the week. To make matters worse my obvious confusion with the Dutch guilder (yes, I’ve been here that long) had led to me being ripped off in a Chinese restaurant and losing a big part of my budget. I started to wonder; had I really wanted to move to the Netherlands or had I just done it because I thought I should? I suddenly felt like I had made a huge mistake and all I wanted to do was go home. I even got as far as buying a plane ticket.
I was too ashamed to phone my parents and tell them how I felt. I didn’t know what to say to them and I was having a hard time admitting my failure to myself. Luckily I phoned a good friend first and when I told him my plan he gave me what is probably the best advice I have ever received in my life. It is a piece of advice that I have been giving to other newly arrived expats ever since to help them when they are feeling lonely, confused, homesick and vulnerable.
“Don’t be an f***ing idiot! You can leave any time you like. Why give up before you’ve had a chance to find out if you really don’t like it.”
I usually leave the f-ing idiot part out when I’m giving this advice to others.
It might sound strange but for me, the idea that I could leave anytime I liked suddenly gave me a safety net. Why did I have to leave straight away if I could leave any time I liked? I still had a few more days at the hotel. My new job started in two days. Why not give it a go for a bit and then decide? I’m very happy I did.
Very quickly things got better. I started the job and they found a place for me to stay (which was lovely even if it did have a few strange Dutch quirks). A few weeks went by and then a few months. I started to enjoy my life in The Netherlands. I made a few friends, started exploring the nightlife of Amsterdam and got to know the city a little better. Everything turned around because I gave it a chance to and opened myself up to the possibility that it could. I was very happy…
…until three years later when I found myself in a dark place again. The honeymoon was over. I had grown frustrated with living in a country where I didn’t understand anything that was going on around me. I’d tried to learn the language but had failed miserably. It just seemed too damn hard. The problems became blown out of all proportions in my head. It started affecting other things in my life. I was not enjoying my job, I was not going out as much anymore and I was not on the best terms with my flatmate. I was angry and I was frustrated. I hated the Netherlands and I just wanted to go home again… And then the strangest thing happened to turn it all around for me. I broke my ankle.
My anger had led to a night of heavy drinking at the office Christmas party and a fall which I still (to this day) cannot remember. I didn’t realize that I had broken it at the time. In my drunk and confused state, I spent the night lost and stumbling around Amsterdam on my freshly broken ankle (trying to find a way home to Haarlem). I still only have flashes of memory from that night. I somehow ended up in parts of the city that I have not been able to find since.
Luckily I eventually made it home in the early morning once the trains started running again. As I’d sobered up I’d started to notice my foot was hurting and when I discovered that my ankle had swollen up like a balloon I quickly went to the hospital. It was while I hobbled around on crutches for the next two months with my ankle in a cast (that left me unable to scratch my foot) that I realized something; if I can survive in The Netherlands like this, everything else is easy. I also realized that I was damn lucky I didn’t get myself killed that night. It’s a very strange epiphany to have but breaking my ankle was the best thing that could have ever happened to me at that point in my life.
I am very happy that I stayed, and fought through the homesickness, the cultural confusion and the language misunderstandings. I am very happy that my friend called me an f-ing idiot on the phone and I am over the moon that I broke my ankle because if none of those things had ever happened I might never have stayed in the country. I would never have taken a chance and gone out on a date with a Dutch girl I met online. I would have never fallen in love with her, married her and had two amazing children with her. I owe all of that to a mistake, an accident and someone calling me an f-ing idiot.
I might be extremely accident prone but some of the best things in my life have come out of that. Not just the big, grand, amazing life-changing things that have made me very happy but all the funny little situations that have filled my 15 years in the Netherlands with adventure.
I’ve almost been arrested by the Dutch police, I’ve ended up bleeding in a Dutch police station (which are surprisingly two unrelated stories) and I’ve discovered that for the first eight years of my life in the Netherlands, I was not actually legally living in the Netherlands (but this anniversary still counts). I’ve spent four hours trapped in an elevator, I got a fake sun tan that made me look like Zwarte Piet and I’ve sent mixed signals during gay pride. I’ve received lessons in manners from a drug dealer, my poor Dutch has led people to believe I was mentally handicapped (but at least they thought I was Dutch) and I’ve been mistaken for a pimp more than once.
London will always be my home and a huge part of my identity but now the Netherlands is too. I grew up in London but I also grew up in the Netherlands and became the person I am today. If you’d stopped the nervous 21-year-old me as I boarded that British Airways flight 15 years ago, took me aside and told me that everything was going to be fine and that I’d get married to an amazingly smart, funny and beautiful Dutch woman, have two amazing children, call the Netherlands home and be extremely happy I would have thought you were mad. Plus you would have probably caused a major time paradox so it’s probably best to just let things run their natural course.
I sometimes wonder; if I had accidently moved to any other country than the Netherlands 15 years ago would I still be there today? It’s a hard question to answer because I now can’t imagine myself living in any other country than The Netherlands (especially a country without Stroopwafels). Thank you to all my Dutch readers for letting me call your country home.
This story ended up being a lot longer than I originally planned but it was important for me to share it. I hope that it might one day help someone else who is finding it hard living in another country from the one they were born in. It can be difficult but it can get better.
At the moment I can’t ever imagine myself leaving the Netherlands. I think I am here to stay. I am happy here.
And maybe in another 15 years, I will have finally mastered the Dutch language…or not.
I really enjoyed reading this. Your great friend gave you amazing advice and I am happy to hear that you have found a home here and that you are happy. Congrats on surviving 15 years in Clogland! Love the pics at the top of this post too :)
Thank you very much :)
A lovely post, Stu. Funny that you have become so ingeburgerd in so many ways that I haven’t, but I’ve done it in different ways. I don’t see England as home anymore at all. All the same, I can relate to these survival stories although I have never had to find out by getting drunk or breaking an ankle :)
Thank you very much. I hope you have not jinxed it now by saying you’ve never needed to break your ankle :)
And yes, the pics are amazing!!
Your stories are part of my comical relief during work time. You are a joy to read. Thank god your friend talked sense into you and you broke your ankle.
P.s. I still do not accept you as the king of The Netherlands ;-), but you are a fellow dutchie.
Thank you. I’m glad I am able to make work more fun.
A royal fellow dutchie?
I’m about to start this adventure and to read your historical was touching and helpful. Thanks for sharing!
I’m glad I could help. Good luck with your adventure. It’s an amazing place.
What I’m getting out of this post’s illustration is that there is a severe correlation between living in the Netherlands and facial hair. I’m concerned for my expat future.
And congrats! :)
Not just any facial hair… ginger facial hair. Be afraid.
Thanks :)
Mmmh, we are all equal or in proper (old) dutch zonder aanschijns des persoons :-). Does not matter how royal you are.
Awww, Stu. It was a real pleasure to read this.
The expat way of life may have its ups and downs in the beginning (ESPECIALLY the beginning), but in the grand scheme of things, the difficult moments only prove to show us how resilient we can be. And it makes us all the more richer.
By the way, nu heeft Frankrijk stroopwafels. (Fancy moving any time? :P )
The dragon keeper and I are glad that you moved to The Netherlands because now we get to visit this amazing beautiful country. The language is even harder for us because we don’t hear it a lot, but the dragon keeper actually said “Dankuwel” on our last visit. Its only taken him 15 years
A friend of mine kindly shared this post on her Facebook. I’ve been stuck here ever since, first reading at random and then in the chronological order. Great stories and certainly relatable as I’ve also been an expat – for 9 years now and counting. Congratulations on surviving full 15!
Hi Ilze. Thank you very much. I’m glad you like the blog. I hope I’m not eatting up too much of your time :) And congratulations on 9 years. How long until you hit the big 10?
Thank you, but as I am currently staying at home with a toddler, I’ve got plenty of time (yay for naps!) to read. I just got to the big 9 two months ago.
Incidentally, I also used to work in Amsterdam, though quite outside centre, and commute daily with trains and a trusted Brompton folding bike.
I’ve been in the Netherlands for a few years now … I recently had a really messy breakup with my Dutch girlfriend, and that breakup made me feel bad about the previous one again, too. (My boyfriend and I had been planning to move here together, and then we broke up and he stayed and I went.) I’ve only got a handful of friends here now, and I’ve been feeling like I made the worst mistake of my life coming here. I know it just needs time and it’ll pass, but it’s been rough.
So anyway, thanks for your story. I’m not sure if I really believe it’ll get better, but if it doesn’t I can always go home as soon as I finish my university program. And hey, at least my ankle isn’t broken, right? :)
Hey, whats up?
how is the wonderful life doing?
Btw, I love this article.
I have one question:
What do you mean by you are 8 years illegal?
I tried to read, but it opened an error.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Having spent 30 years in The Netherlands I decided to commute instead of actually living there (Schedule allows for this) it is the best decision I have ever made. I spend alot of time in The Netherlands and its not a perticularly nice place to be even for a shorter period. The Dutch pride themselves in beeing direct yet if you are direct back concerning something critical about their country or culture you will find they all wolfpack upon you with a shitstorm beyond belief. The Dutch are not open to critisism but love to dish it out, they have an embarassing level of ego and overestimate their own importance. If you wish to spend your life arguing with stubborn and narrow minded people this is what you will find in The Netherlands! If you wish to actually have a life…..especially a happy one then avoid The Netherlands at all cost! I for one will never put my foot in that country again!