Life and Blogging in the Time of Corona

This is the blog post that I had originally planned to post before I fractured my elbow. As you will read, it might even be responsible for it happening, in a tempting fate kind of way… Hhhmmmmm. Now that I think about it, publishing this post might be risky. If I suddenly break anything else we will know.
Anyway, everything I’ve written below is still true. I’ve only updated some little parts here and there that needed alteration. Here is ‘Life and Blogging in the Time of Corona’.
To say that life has gotten a little weird the last few months is putting it mildly. The impact of the corona virus has turned lots of people’s lives upside down. Even as the restrictions are slowly lifted here in the Netherlands there are people who are rightly worried about their health, their jobs and their loved ones. Some might have already lost one or more of those things.
I am one of the lucky ones. Of course the outbreak has had an effect on my daily life but luckily not in a way that I can call negative (not in the true sense of the word). That is why I say, for me, life has gotten a little weird (and I’m very grateful and lucky that that is the highest level it has reached so far).
However, since things are a bit weird at the moment I thought I’d share with you how everything is going in my life and with this blog. Think of this as a personal update post that just happens to be being written during the biggest global event that most of us have ever experienced.
Home and Work Life
The biggest change for me personally (like many people) is that I am now working from home. I have been since the end of March. I’m quite used to it now and it’s been quite a positive experience so far (even though the reason for its necessity is not so positive).
When I’m not blogging I make computer games for a living. Luckily that is a job I can do with a fair amount of ease from home. Before the outbreak I had a very long commute from Friesland to Amsterdam (four days a week). Now I work in our attic/spare room/laundry room and the commute is considerably shorter. This has been great because it means I get to spend a lot more time with my family. Before things changed I was always home very late. Now, I’m already home for dinner and when our kids go to bed. I’ve been reading a lot more bedtime stories lately.
A Time for Blogging
On the flip side, I have a lot less time for blogging. I used to write the majority of my blog posts during those long cross-province train journeys that I just mentioned. I don’t have that dedicated writing time set aside anymore.
“But Stuart,” I hear you cry from a responsible safe 1.5 meter distance, “You have more free time at home. Surely you have even more time to write.”
In theory that is true. In practise I have kids. Free time disappears pretty quickly when you are at home with children (even though I am loving having more time with them).
Spending all of my time at home has also limited the amount of interesting stories I have to share. That is unless you want to hear the thrilling story about tidying up the kitchen or almost completing our second puzzle during lockdown only to discover there was a piece missing (okay, I did share that one on twitter).
On a side note, in the first draft of this post I included a line about how the lack of outside activities had reduced my accident-proneness and thus the stories I could share on that subject. This largely remains true but a while after writing that original line I sprained my elbow. I fell over my son’s bike while teaching him to cycle. He was fine but I’m now writing the rest of this post left handed with my other arm in a sling.
Extra side note, the above paragraph was written during the second draft, when I thought I’d merely sprained my elbow. I didn’t know that I had in fact fractured it at that point. I found that out a week later.
Since the new stories I can share are limited (or just not interesting), I’ve started reflecting on the past for some of my more recent blog posts (going as far back as my arrival in the country).
All of this is a way of saying that I’m not giving up on this blog but don’t be surprised if the activity on it seems random or happens in bursts. My focus and time are being spent elsewhere at the moment out of necessity.
Experiences of Self Quarantine
In general our self quarantining has been going well. My wife and I take turns going to the supermarket when we need to. The kids and I have been taking on a lot more lego based projects. Most of all we are lucky because we have each other to keep ourselves company.
I don’t know exactly when I will return to working in an office but I know it won’t be for some time yet. I still plan to take some time off during the summer (which also means I’ll be taking my short annual summer blogging break).
For now we’ll be continuing to be careful (even as restrictions are lifted here in the Netherlands). We’re not worried about catching the virus ourselves. We’re all healthy. However, we have loved ones, family and friends, who are at risk so we are staying at home as much as possible to safeguard them and others like them.
I hope you are all doing well too. Stay safe.
Your dad and I are still shielding and are used to shopping on line. One problem with this is you never know what you are going to get or not get in your food delivery, this makes for some very interesting meal ideas.Your Dad is practally living on tea and rhubarb and custard and of course grapes.
The annoying thing is that I have now put on weight even though I have stopped eating biscuits. Hopefully we will be able to go out soon and get some excersise.
Any way keep safe and hope to see you at Christmas.
Huh. I have been following your blog for years and had no idea you worked there! Cool. Did your employer also move your entire computer rig to your house for you? (I know someone who works there, but more a friend of a friend type situation, so I just get to hear the occasional story from my friend.)
More on point… I get what you mean. I started posting more often as my dad has health problems so he was actually stuck at home since January, so I try to give him something to read on a daily basis. But it is so hard to write something ‘new’. I also find it hard to get good, fresh photos when you can’t go to all the places you could before.
Hope your elbow feels better soon!
Hi Niki. Thanks. My arm is doing a lot better. I’m sorry to hear about your Dad’s health. Is it something he can recover from? I hope he does.
Yep, they put us and all our computer rigs in a cab and sent us home. It was amazingly well organized and very quick. The Amsterdam cab driver who took me all the way to Friesland was a little in shock about ending up in the countryside I think. Who is the friend of a friend you know from Guerrilla? Maybe I know them too.
Stu, I don’t have kids at hime, but I’ve found teaching online very intensive and I too have had less time for blogging, despite being at home much more. I sympathise! So sorry to hear you’ve fractured your elbow, but at least your accident proneness hasn’t changed! Love to Simone! Take care :)
Thank Vally :) Take care too.
I am glad you still have time to write something to cheer my day up, as ever since i am back in our beautiful lowland and stuck here for a while, re-read your blog made my day… thank you Stu and hope your elbow getting better soon…cheers from hot like hell Eindhoven.
Thanks Ephie. My arm is doing a lot better now. I seem to be able to move it just like before again. I’m also glad to hear that my crazy stories help :)