The Experiment


It is possible that I am the unwitting participant in some sort of social studies experiment. What the aim of this experiment is I can not say but I definitely know I drew the short straw.

Recently my flat mate started a new job in an office much like my own. We both do a lot of work with computers and both work similar office hours. However, there is one major difference between the two jobs, a difference he likes to keep on reminding me about. I work in an office mostly inhabited by men but my flat mate is now working in an office almost exclusively populated by women.

It’s as if we have both been placed in very different controlled test environments while someone in a white coat with a clip board and a mustache watches via hidden cameras and takes note on how we react to our different situations.

Step 1) Place computer nerd 1 (Subject Alpha) in an office populated with men.

Step 2) Place computer nerd 2 (Subject Beta) in an office populated with women.

Step 3) Observe and document results.

Unfortunately for me programmers with long hair are not a substitute for female co-workers, the stubble completely destroys the illusion and the idea of them in a low cut top is truly the stuff of nightmares.

However, my flat mate has not won in every aspect. There are some negative aspects to being a man in an office full of women. There is no one in his office that he can debate with about who was the better captain, Picard or Kirk.


Stuart is an accident prone Englishman who has been living in the Netherlands since 2001. Even his move to the country was an unintentional accident, the result of replying to a cryptic job advertisement he found one day in a local British magazine. Since then he has learned to love the Dutch (so much so that he married one of them) and now calls the country home. He started the blog Invading Holland in 2006 as a place to share his strange stories of language misunderstandings, cultural confusions and his own accident prone nature.

26 Responses

  1. roxanne says:

    It’s obvious that you definitely have one up on him by your last statement.

  2. marycub says:

    ha ha ha oh dear. Neither of you seem to be in the best situ. The grass is always greener etc? :-)

  3. ChickyBabe says:

    Picard of course! Kirk was just eye candy in his younger days.

  4. Jodie says:

    Take heart Stu… just wait until Tenakalaz experiences the monthly PMS mood swings and inter-departmental bitchfights :) contrary to popular belief it does not involve the girls stripping to their panties and hitting each others with pillows that easily rip apart into showers of light fluffy feathers.

  5. vallyP says:

    Stu and Tenakalez, Jodie can burst all your bubbles and more ;-) – she’s good at that….. but especially the one that says girls can’t discuss Picard vs Kirk. She is a Trekkie of note… as is her sister….as, it appears is Chickybabe…as for me, well…okay, I don’t qualify anymore but I used to …and I can tell my Kirks from my Picards too…lol

    By the way, can DEFINITELY be arranged…he he

  6. Jodie says:

    Stu: *evil grin*

    Well, the real truth about Santa is…
    Nah, I’ll leave that for another day.

    Tenakalaz: Sorry, the wet t-shirt competitions were removed from the allowed-office-functions list in the mid-nineties when Xerox complained about the abuse their copiers were getting at office christmas parties

    VallyP: The only Trekkie series of note was the one with Captain Picard. This new yobo on Enterprise doesn’t please me at all, so you’re not missing much.

  7. tenakalaz says:

    I still think I am better off, whilst we both get to admire the full Bosom of our co-workers, mine are on the gender that they belong too.

    As for the star trek question, I don’t need to debate that. Its Picard, he was a better captain, with significantly fewer dramatic pauses between lines and quite a few less ripped shirt scenarios.

    Anyway, it is probably all to do with Tachyons and shield frequencies, so what does it matter.

  8. Invader_Stu says:

    Roxanne – Yes. I can talk about sci-fi and all manner of geeky male things with out fear…. but still….

    Marycub – That’s what I keep on telling myself.

    Tenakalaz – Please don’t make me visualize bosoms on (male) programmers *shudders*

  9. tenakalaz says:

    I don’t know, an overweight programmer in a boob tube, would probably make sure everyone kept their eyes on their monitors and NEVER looked up till they had to leave :)

  10. Invader_Stu says:

    Argh, I need a red hot poker to burn that image out of my brain. Dam you.

  11. Invader_Stu says:

    ChickyBabe – What about the other captains?

    Jodie – You might as well have just told me Santa is not real :p

  12. tenakalaz says:

    Jodie – thats it I am quitting today!!!

    I specifically stated in my contract, semi and fully naked pillow fights at least once a week.

    with a bi weekly wet t-shirt competition. You will be telling me that this is not politically correct next.

    how many more dreams are you going to BursT ?

  13. marycub says:

    it seems u have trekkie type stalkers!!

  14. Invader_Stu says:

    Tenakalaz – you don’t want to see what is in my contract *shudder*

    VallyP – Now you are scaring me :p

  15. Rose DesRochers says:

    Stu just wait until the gals in the office invite him out to lunch and they are talking about tampons, how comfortable will he be then. :)

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