Monthly Archive: April 2014

Quote Of The Week: Speed Bumps 9

Quote Of The Week: Speed Bumps

The following conversation took place during a drive back from London, after passing through a street with a great many speed bumps (something that England is famous for): My mother (From the back seat)...

Becoming Dutch - No Longer an Expat 17

When are you no Longer an Expat?

Recently, a lot of people have started telling me that I have lived in Holland far too long to still be considered an expat. I find this slightly troubling. I was not aware that...

The Speculoos Mystery Continues 18

The Speculoos Mystery Continues

Case File #113b Anyone who has been following my investigative adventures will already be familiar with my most famous and bizarre unsolved case; The Great Speculoos Mystery. It was only a few months ago...