Drawing the Cartoons

I first drew the cartoons I use for this blog about three years ago. The look of the characters has not changed much but the way I draw them has evolved a lot as I’ve learnt more about PhotoShop. I’ve always enjoyed playing with the program and it has been fun drawing the cartoons again. The complements I have received from different people have made both myself and my ego very happy. I’ve started giving serous thoughts to doing something more with the cartoons (as some of you have suggested) but no promises yet. However, since I’ve had a few requests to divulge how I draw them I thought it might be fun to make this post and show how I put them together.
I have a few tricks I use now for making the cartoons quicker but I’ll start at the beginning and come back to those tricks later.

I start by scanning the original hand drawn cartoon into the computer and tracing over it with the Pen Tool. It’s a great tool for drawing smooth curved lines by placing Anchor Points were curves should begin and end. After the Anchor Points have been placed the line between them can be adjusted with the handles to create a curve. Once I have a curve I am happy with I use the Stroke option to draw the line. Each body parts is created on a separate layer. I’ll come back to the reason for that later.
Then I create new layers behind each body part and use them to colour the image. I colour in behind the lines so I can get right up to the edge. Eventually I merge the lines and colour together but keep each body part on a different layer.
Next comes the shadows. This is also done on another layer (for each body part) but this time on top of all the other layers. I colour the areas where I want shadows with black and then set the opacity of the layer to 20%. This lets the colour and lines underneath shows through creating the look of shadows. The layers are then merged again per body part. This creates the finished character.
Now I’ll go back to those tricks I mentioned and the reason why I create each body part on a different layer. If you have a weak stomach and do not wish to see a cartoon character pulled limb from limb look away now.
Having each body part separate makes it possible to create new images quickly by moving the parts around or re-drawing just one part. Each time I create a new part for a cartoon I add it to my library of parts in case it can be adapted for use again later.
I’ve put together a video to show how this all works. The first part is a quick demonstration of how I can use this process to make facial expressions. The second part shows how I turned my template image in to the cartoon used for today’s post. Click here to watch.
Darn it Stu … you’re giving away all the tricks!
Seriously though, nice work. And you should try illustrator (although I prefer Freehand). Horses for courses though.
Cool video. LOVE the music. I was jammin’ to it the whole time. Made me think of James Bond.
Stu. Invader Stu. Shaken, not stirred.
Thanks again everyone. I get a lot of enjoyment out of making these cartoons and its great to know other people like them too :D
I’ve downloaded the trail version of Illustrator so I’ll be giving that a go this weekend.
The music comes from ‘The Incredibles’ but I now I listen to it again you are right. It does sound very James Bond.
I’ve started putting some of the cartoons I’ve done for this blog on DeviantART
you’re a great artist
I’ve been hiding in the lake district for 5 days, how goes it ‘vader stu??
jr – Thank you
Marycub – I always loved going to the Lake District with my parents as a kid. I’m doing all right but I am a bit behind on my posting. How are you?
Bit tired from the hiking and i don’t want to go to work!!
Good shadow effect. It’s that I like how they look or I would say it was cheap. haha
good work. :)
Very impressive cartoons. Congrats.
Wow, that’s awesome. You make it seem so easy! Very inspiring.
My wife is an artist and I’ve already forwarded your page to her.
Very cool drawings man, especially all the variations. Good going!
You are an AWESOME cartoonist. I’m a tired mom learning how to do this work now, too. Very fun and creative. I have NOWHERE NEAR your talent, though.
I like your pointer of keeping the parts seperate to “mix and match”. I need to start doing that.
Have you tried Illustrator CS2’s Live Draw? I like it, but for simple cartoons I’m having more fun with Photoshop. And my Wacom tablet. ;)
Great cartoons, thank you for share. Did you try to place it on you tube?
I’m supporting this idea all the way! I can not imagine who would disagree with it. On the whole – make posts like this more often.