Accidentally Dutch Blog

Little Stuart’s Amsterdam Adventure 6

Little Stuart’s Amsterdam Adventure

Allow me to introduce Little Stuart, Accidentally Dutch’s latest guest blogger (I could not name him Stuart Little for legal reasons). – As you can see he has a striking resemblance to yours truly....

Breaking The Law In Holland 10

Breaking The Law In Holland

I have broken the law. I am a criminal. I might even be a master criminal. It is hard to tell at this moment since my criminal career has only just begun. However, there...

Is het een cadeautje 23

Is het een Cadeautje?

If you’ve ever been shopping anywhere in The Netherlands you have probably been asked the question, “Is het een cadeautje?” It’s a common question, especially during the months leading up to Sinterklaas and Christmas....

Stuart Piet 11

Stuart Piet

I slowly crept up the stairs using all the stealth skills that I like to think I have but don’t. The sack over my shoulder made an awkward rustling sound as one of the...