Accidentally Dutch Blog

Quote Of The Week: English 7

Quote Of The Week: English

THE WIFE “Ugh. I just can’t seem to speak right English today.” ME “You seem to be doing fine to me.” THE WIFE “You’re just say that. English is easy for you since it’s...

Patat Zonder 30

Patat Zonder

“Patat zonder alstublieft,” I asked the girl behind the counter of the train station snack bar. There was a brief look of confusion that flashed across her face. “Patat zonder,” she repeated in a...

The Many Meanings of Dus 27

The Many Meanings of Dus

If you look up the word ‘dus’ in a Dutch-to-English language book it will tell you that it translates into the word ‘so’. However, this is a terrible over simplification. The word ‘dus’ is...