What Happened When I Tried Speculoos Alcohol

Speculoos Alcohol

You people are terrible… I confess my terrible struggle with Speculoos addiction to you and what do you do? How do you help me? Do you offer words of encouragement? Do you organise surprise interventions? Do you help me through the difficult stages of Speculoos withdrawal? No. You find even more speculoos products for me to become addicted to.

“Hey Stuart. Did you know you can get chunky Speculoos spread too?”

“Have you tried this Speculoos ice-cream? It is so good.”

“Would you like a Speculoos Easter Egg Stuart?”

“Stuart! You simply must try this Speculoos pasta sauce!”

Ok, I might have made that last one up but that does not make my point any less valid.

Some of you have even sent me ‘free samples’ likes some kind of Speculoos drug dealer trying to get me hooked on the latest Speculoos product, each of you trying to find the strangest and weirdest Speculoos/random food combination possible.

And what is the latest product you have found? What is the newest thing you are all trying to get me addicted too?…

Speculoos Alcohol Bottle

Speculoos Alcohol!

Great! Now my Speculoos problem is in danger of becoming a drinking problem… I never thought Speculoos would be able to give me liver damage. Thanks a bunch.


Stuart is an accident prone Englishman who has been living in the Netherlands since 2001. Even his move to the country was an unintentional accident, the result of replying to a cryptic job advertisement he found one day in a local British magazine. Since then he has learned to love the Dutch (so much so that he married one of them) and now calls the country home. He started the blog Invading Holland in 2006 as a place to share his strange stories of language misunderstandings, cultural confusions and his own accident prone nature.

20 Responses

  1. Stephanie says:

    I have a speculoos flavoured coffee flavour in my cupboard, want to come over for a cuppa? ;).

  2. Saskia says:

    Speculoos? What are you, Belgian? You can get the BEST speculAAs liqueur at Wijnand Fockink in the Pijlsteeg just off Dam Square.

  3. Jonathan says:

    I suggest you find help at the ViVa forum http://forum.viva.nl/forum/list_message/8149734

    To feed the addiction maybe you should make your own speculaas variant http://www.mijnreceptenboek.nl/recept/speciale_gelegenheden/sinterklaas/speculaaskruiden-4300.html.

    And oh do not click this link https://www.google.nl/search?q=speculaaslikeur&site=img&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ

  4. Alison says:

    Just in case people weren’t literally addicted …

  5. Lucie says:

    ah ah ah I am addicted to chocolate and crusty French bread. Good luck with your addiction! Here is one more for your addiction if it gets even worse there is now children dishes that combine broccoli and a speculaas cake http://webwinkel.madaga.nl/speculaas-broccolicakeje.html

  6. Invader_Stu says:

    Stephanie – See! You are all trying to get me more addicted.

    Saskia – I get all my illegal Speculoos goods smuggled across the boarder from Belgium :p

    Alison – What do you mean ‘not literally’? :p

    Lucie – Speclaas and broccoli? I don’t know what to say :s

  7. VallyP says:

    There’s no hope for you now, Stu! Might as well resign yourself to a life of speculoos’ion on how it’s all going to end. PS, I want to talk book covers to you!

  8. iancochrane says:

    Maybe you could try rubbing it on?
    Oh well…just an idea…
    Cheers, ic

  9. Perovskia says:

    *rofl* I love it. It’s never-ending. It’s like you’re in the centre of this.. Spekuloos tornado…..

  10. Invader_Stu says:

    VallyP – It looks like it’s going that way. And I’d love to. We should meet up again some time soon.

    Iancochrane – I’d be worried about the side affects.

    Rovskia – If it carries on I might have to start a Speculoos blog :p

  11. dragon lady says:

    Iancochrane-the only side effect I’ve found is weight gain but what a way to go.
    I found white specloos chocolate in Disneyland Paris. Its lovely but I have will power unlike you Stu. Though its lucky you can’t get it in England….yet. I really like the sound of the Speculoos liquir and coffee, but cake and broccoli Yuck,

  12. Deefian says:

    ‘Speculoos pasta sauce’, oh dear god.

    But seriously, speculoos liqueur? Remind me to never try that. I don’t think I can manage that level of speculoosheid.

  13. Perovskia says:

    Do it. Do the blog :D

  14. iooryz says:

    The best speculaaslikeur is from Weduwe Joustra: http://www.weduwejoustra.nl/producten.html
    It was made for the entrance of Sinterklaas in Sneek, but became very popular after that as well. It’s great in the summer, served cold!

  15. The wife says:

    Now we’re talking!! Iooryz! Weduwe Joustra…the best brand there is. Especially the Beerenburg. Defenitely after a day of sailing. Or any other excuse…. ;P

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