Best European Blog 2013

Best European Blog 2013

I have some very exciting news. So exciting in fact that it is taking all my focus and concentration to write coherent sentences instead of simply resorting to loud cheering noises while fist pumping the air (which I would still do if it was not for the fact that that would look very weird written down).

Basically the exciting news is this; Accidentally Dutch has won. Thanks to your amazing help and support Accidentally Dutch has won the Best European Blog category of the 2013 Bloggies. I owe each and every one of you a huge thank you.

If it was not for the fact that I am already married and a father I would say this is the happiest day of my life but I cannot say such things without getting into a lot of trouble. So instead lets agree that this achievement ranks somewhere below my wedding day and the birth of my daughter but much higher than the time I broke my ankle… And that I am extremely happy and honoured.

I was not the only Holland based expat blog to make it to the finals this year either. Also nominated were Like a Sponge and Nomad Mum. Proof that we are not just taking over Holland but the rest of Europe too.

In closing; if you are a long term reader, a short term reader or even a medium term reader; Thank You.

And if you are finding this blog for the first time… Hello. My name is Stuart, accident prone Englishman and self proclaimed King of Holland. Nice to meet you. Welcome to my strange little corner of the internet.


Stuart is an accident prone Englishman who has been living in the Netherlands since 2001. Even his move to the country was an unintentional accident, the result of replying to a cryptic job advertisement he found one day in a local British magazine. Since then he has learned to love the Dutch (so much so that he married one of them) and now calls the country home. He started the blog Invading Holland in 2006 as a place to share his strange stories of language misunderstandings, cultural confusions and his own accident prone nature.

18 Responses

  1. Nathalie in NL says:

    Congrats Stu!

  2. Laura says:

    Congratulations! A well-deserved award :-D

  3. Lony says:

    Wow – CONGRATS Stu! Your blog is really really cool, so much fun to read here, you absolutely have deserved it!!!!! Keep up the great work!! All the best and greetings from Germany (neeeeeaaaar the dutch border ;-), Lony from

  4. Jeroen says:

    Gefeliciteerd man!

  5. What wonderful news! Féliciations, Stu! :D

  6. Terri says:

    Great win, Stu! And go ahead…do the Happy Dance, we’ll understand. ;D

  7. VallyP says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! SO SO SO WELL DESERVED!!!! I’m so very happy for you!!!!

  8. JackD says:

    As a fellow ginger Englishman in the Nederlands (of the windy city of Den Haag) to another – Congratulations! Well deserved, love the blog!

  9. Unexpected Traveller says:

    Congratulations Stu! Well-deserved!

  10. dragon lady says:

    well done Stuart, the dragon Keeper and I are Sooooo proud.

  11. Celia says:

    Very well deserved. Congratulations! Only discovered your blog last week, have shared it loads and we all love it.

  12. Kaitlin (@GAPeachAbroad) says:

    Congratulations! Very well deserved!

  13. Perovskia says:

    Congrats!! So happy for you! Well deserved :)
    Yay :)

  14. AstridQK says:

    Yes, i knew you would win!


  15. Catina says:

    Yay! Congrats!! Very well deserved!!!

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